About Us:
Carteret Technical Institute (CTI)
CTI was born out of Mayor Daniel J. Reiman’s vision for a better Carteret. Through CTI we will crate many paths to a successful future. This investment in our community will undoubtedly help increase quality of life in the Borough. Carteret is one of the only towns in NJ to provide such an amazing opportunity to its residents at no cost. Our programs aim to offer career paths that will serve our students for the rest of their lives. The skill-sets learned in our classrooms reflect real-world scenarios and fulfill real-world business needs. The approach of training based on business needs will ensure that our graduates are most marketable and have the highest chance of being successful.
Targeting industries with higher than average job rate projections will position CTI graduates with lasting opportunities. CTI will continue to expand its portfolio of programs to reflect constantly changing employment needs. Our goal is to provide opportunities to unemployed and underemployed Carteret residents.

the elected Board of Directors and operated with an annual budget which is funded by a special assessment on commercial properties. The Board of Directors is comprised of commercial property and business owners, as well as municipal officials. The Board identifies the goals, objectives and activities that enhance the business environment and provide an economic stimulus for the business community. As a non-profit corporation, CBP works to expand business offerings, promote business retention and recruitment, enhance the visual appearance, and develop a variety of marketing programs and activities that further the goals of the corporation. The non-profit corporation is a partner with the municipal government and works to expand public and private funding of plans and projects that improve the business environment.
Carteret Business Partnership
Carteret Business Partnership (CBP) is the district management corporation for the public/private partnership created by municipal ordinance to improvement the business environment in Carteret. The District Management Corporation (DMC) is managed by
Meet Our Team
Mayor Daniel J. Reiman
Mayor Daniel J. Reiman has served as Mayor of the Borough of Carteret since he was elected to his first term in 2002 and became the youngest Mayor in the history of the town. Prior to being elected Mayor, Reiman served as a Borough Councilman, a Planning Board member from 1999-2003, and on various other committees and municipal agencies. Mayor Reiman serves in a full-time capacity as the Borough’s Chief Executive Officer. He oversees 180 full-time employees, thirteen departments, and is responsible for the Borough’s $39 million annual operating budget.

Joseph Norris MLS, MA Ed
Mr. Norris is the Program Administrator . He has extensive experience in the administration, management, and design of educational programs. Mr. Norris and his colleagues will continue to work on the expansion of new CTI programs that will offer Carteret residents new opportunities in technical and vocational training.

Laurent Mevs MPA, PMP, MCP, A+
Mr. Mevs is the IT Program Director. Over his 20+ year career in the information technology industry he has held varying positions both in the private and government sectors. His career progression ranges from entry level up to executive. Mr. Mevs and his colleagues have designed a program based on business needs in order to create marketable candidates.